News > Events > NYC Events > NY/NJ Harbor Estuary Program Citizen Advisory Committee (CAG) Meeting

NY/NJ Harbor Estuary Program Citizen Advisory Committee (CAG) Meeting

January 17, 2017: 1:00PM to 4:00PM
17 Battery Place #915, New York, NY 10004 map
To Attend:
Register Here

Join the New York New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program for the upcoming Citizen Advisory Committee (CAG) meeting on Wednesday, January 18 from 1PM-4PM at the Hudson River Foundation Office.

Meeting Agenda
1:00-1:40 Presentation and discussion with Liz Gordon from the NY Offshore Wind Energy Alliance
1:40 – 2:30 Presentations from the Wildlife Conservation Society on their whale monitoring program and efforts to establish a Hudson Canyon Marine Sanctuary.
2:30-3:30 Shaping the CAC work plan and HEP’s Action Agenda
3:30-3:40 CAC NJ Co-Chair election
3:40-4:00 Announcements and program updates