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Permaculture and Urban Eco-System Design

April 3, 2017: 6:00PM to 8:00PM
The Grove School of Engineering-Steinman Hall, 160 Convent Ave, New York, NY 10031 map
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Join the City College of New York Sustainability in the Urban Environment for a panel discussion on Permaculture and Urban Eco-System Design.

Moderator: Hillary Brown, FAIA, Professor of Architecture at the City College of New York’s Spitzer School of Architecture, Program Director, City College’s Sustainability in the Urban Environment

Panelists: Andrew Faust, Permaculture and Bioregional Educator, Designer at Center for Bioregional Living; Ashley Muse, Senior Sustainability Manager, YR&G; Philip Silva, Co-founder and Co-director, TreeKIT; Associate Editor, The Nature of Cities; Ben Flanner, Founder, Brooklyn Grange; Monica Ibacache, Founder and Executive Director, Beyond Organic Design

Topic: ‘Permaculture and Urban Eco-System Design’
Permaculture, a portmanteau of permanent and agriculture, is sometimes described as strategies for sustainable agriculture, with the twin goals of maximizing yield and maintaining optimum long-term ecological health. With increasing numbers of people living in cities, and urban agriculture the subject of perennially renewed interest, permaculture offers many strategies beyond urban gardening that can be applied to both the design of the urban ecosystem and the modern city-dweller lifestyle.

Through this broader lens, permaculture is a whole-systems approach to human society, probing the ecological and sociological connections between human behavior and our cultivation of natural resources. Far broader than mere sustainable agriculture, permaculture is a design methodology for the human-ecological condition, and is the best answer to the question “What next?” Permaculture has the potential to transform the future, but first we have to bring it mainstream. How do we scale permaculture to redesign the massive agricultural, food, and consumer culture systems for long-term health and sustainability? What is the way forward given the sociopolitical challenges we currently face? How can a focus on local actions collectively alter a global system? Our experts will be discussing these questions and more at our permaculture forum on April 3rd, 2017.

About the Sponsors:

The Sustainability Practice Network (SPN) is a New York based inter-disciplinary community of professionals who seek to learn and share knowledge to advance sustainable development across sectors and disciplines. We mobilize our members to practice sustainability in their lives and work. Our mission is to raise awareness of the importance of individual and corporate sustainability and thereby create a more stable and equitable world. Please visit

City College of New York – Sustainability in the Urban Environment Program

The Sustainability in the Urban Environment program at City College—established in 2009—is an interdisciplinary Master of Science program that trains current and emerging generations of professionals to address a wide range of pressing local, regional, and global sustainability problems. The program promotes environmental literacy, as well as advanced concepts and methodologies for meeting sustainability and resiliency challenges—especially the complex issues faced by urban centers such as New York City. Students from diverse academic backgrounds—architecture, engineering, sciences, and social sciences—acquire extensive experience in collaborative, interdisciplinary analysis and problem-solving, thereby contributing to the planning and design of just, environmentally sound, and prosperous cities. Please see our website at