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Public Information Session on Stewart Air National Guard Base Cleanup in Newburgh

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October 25, 2023: 5:00PM to 7:00PM
Newburgh Armory Unity Center, Larkin Center, 321 South William St., Newburgh, NY map

The Stewart Air National Guard Base, in coordination with community members of the Stewart
Restoration Advisory Board (RAB), is holding a public open house to discuss its investigation of PFAS and other environmental cleanup activities at the base. The PFAS cleanup is in a years-long investigation phase.

Riverkeeper and community members of the RAB are advocating for the Air National Guard to “Speed Up the Cleanup” to expedite actions to reduce off-base PFAS pollution. NYS Department of Transportation also has a key project to implement to ensure effective cleanup. Learn more at Riverkeeper encourages members of the public to attend the poster session and challenge agencies to Speed Up the Cleanup.

Download and print this Newburgh Clean Water Project flier to help promote the event.

Known as “forever chemicals” because they don’t break down in the environment, PFAS (per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances) are a family of chemicals that have been found to increase risk of illness at very low doses. PFAS from Stewart Air National Guard Base have contaminated water sources in the City of Newburgh and Town of New Windsor, as well as streams and fish in the area.

Representatives of the Air National Guard and their project team, as well as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation will be available to talk with participants one-on-one about environmental investigation and cleanup at the base, Newburgh’s drinking water, and federal environmental regulations related to PFAS.

The public is invited to attend any time between 5-7 p.m. The Restoration Advisory Board’s quarterly meeting will follow, and the public is welcome to observe. There is limited time for audience questions at RAB meetings. Live Spanish translation will be available for both the posterboard session and the RAB meeting.

You can also join the meeting online by going to and using the meeting number and password below:

Meeting number: 2630 863 4475
Password: GRsP62pHzG8

Join by phone:
Access code: 263 086 34475

Speed Up the Clean Up - Flyer-spanish Speed up the Clean Up flyer - English