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Wallkill River Boat Brigade: Sturgeon Pool

October 25, 2015: 2:45PM to 6:00PM
Meet at Perrine's Bridge parking area, Route 213 in Rifton, map
To Attend:
Facebook Event

The Wallkill River Watershed Alliance’s Boat Brigade conducts monthly paddles during season to observe and monitor this waterway. With this paddle, citizens will have visited nearly the entire Ulster County stretch of the river, from the hamlet of Wallkill to Sturgeon Pool.

Sturgeon Pool was created by the damming of the Wallkill River.

Meet at the pull off on 213 right before Perrine’s Bridge Park and carpool to our launch site. Please arrive by 2:45 p.m.

Space is limited: There are no public access points on Sturgeon Pool, but access is being arranged with a private landowner with a home on the water. RSVP to Brenda Bowers at [email protected].

Some kayaks will be made available for those who don’t have their own, courtesy of Craig Chapman of New Paltz Kayaking Tours. Call 845-594-6353 to reserve a kayak.

Please bring a small notebook and pen, a phone with GPS and camera if you feel comfortable (recognizing that you will be on the water, and are responsible for your own property). Participants will work in pairs to monitor and record what we find along the paddle.

Riverkeeper is supporting the effort by providing stream walk resources and other tips to help the effort be productive. Find reports of past boat brigades on the Boat Blog.

To learn more, follow the Wallkill River Watershed Alliance on Facebook, and when you’re on the Wallkill or talking about it, use the hashtag #savethewallkill on social media.