News > Events > Riverkeeper Events > Come to Albany on May 22nd for a Fracking Lobby Day!

Come to Albany on May 22nd for a Fracking Lobby Day!

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May 22, 2013: 9:00AM to 5:00PM
New York State Capitol, Albany NY map
To Attend:

We need action on fracking! In response to overwhelming public pressure, legislation was introduced in both the Assembly and Senate to enact a two-year moratorium on fracking until a comprehensive health impact assessment can be completed. The Assembly has already passed the bill and the Senate needs to get it to the Governor’s desk! Join us in Albany on May 22nd to tell our legislators that New Yorkers need a health impact assessment and a two-year moratorium!

9:00am – 9:30am Registration/check-in (w/coffee and bagels)
9:30am – 10:30am Briefing
11:00am – 3:00pm Lobby visits
3:00pm Drop off report forms/check-out

Register at

On March 6, 2013, the New York State (NYS) Assembly passed A.5424A, which would institute a two-year moratorium on high-volume horizontal hydraulic fracturing (HVHF or fracking) in NYS and require the state to conduct a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) on the likely public health impacts of HVHF in NYS. The next step is passage in the NYS Senate. In order to take effect, a fracking moratorium needs to be passed by both houses and signed by Governor Cuomo.

Two bills seeking to put in place roughly two-year fracking moratoriums have been introduced in the NYS Senate. Riverkeeper has written memos in support of both bills: S.4046, introduced by Sen. Carlucci (D-Rockland/Westchester) and S.4236A, introduced by Sen. Avella (D-Queens). Sen. Avella’s bill is the same as the bill passed by the Assembly on March 6, and would impose a two-year moratorium on HVHF and require the state to conduct an HIA. Sen. Carlucci’s bill would institute a moratorium on HVHF for at least two years, pending the completion of two outside health studies that are currently underway in Pennsylvania and at the federal level to evaluate the public health impacts of HVHF.

Riverkeeper is urging Senators to co-sponsor both bills, to help ensure that a two-year fracking moratorium linked to a study of fracking’s health impacts is brought to a vote in the NYS Senate and sent to the Governor’s desk as soon as possible.

Riverkeeper’s memo in support of S.4046 (Carlucci)
Riverkeeper’s memo in support of S.4236A (Avella)

Supported by more than 4,300 individual members, Riverkeeper has worked to protect the Hudson River and the drinking water supply for 9 million New Yorkers since 1966.