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Connecting the Dots: Untreated Sewage and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Brian Brigham grabs a sample from the Riverkeeper patrol boat in 2014. (Photo by Leah Rae / Riverkeeper)
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May 17, 2016: 10:30AM to 12:30PM
Hudson River Foundation, 17 Battery Place, Suite 915 New York, NY 10004 map
Brian Brigham grabs a sample from the Riverkeeper patrol boat in 2014. (Photo by Leah Rae / Riverkeeper)

Brian Brigham grabs a sample from the Riverkeeper patrol boat in 2014. (Photo by Leah Rae / Riverkeeper)

As part of the Hudson River Foundation’s Edward A. Ames Seminar Series, Brian Brigham will present research on sewage and greenhouse gas emissions based in large part on measurements he took of the Hudson River from the Riverkeeper patrol boat.

Brigham is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at CUNY Queens College.

The title of his talk is “Evaluating Greenhouse Gas Efflux Across a Rural-Urban Estuarine Gradient: Assessing the Impact of Incomplete Wastewater Treatment on the Hudson.”

His project builds on the ongoing work of Riverkeeper’s lead science partners, Dr. Greg O’Mullan of CUNY Queens College and Dr. Andrew Juhl of Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

The Edward A. Ames Seminar Series addresses scientific issues related to the environmental quality and resource management of the New York/New Jersey Harbor Estuary.

Participants attending in-person should arrive fifteen minutes early and bring photo identification to pass through building security.

Seminars will also be simultaneously broadcast via webinar. Access information will be sent separately to registered participants.

Please call 212-483-7667 or email [email protected] to RSVP as space is limited. Please indicate whether you wish to attend in-person or by webinar.