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Help Prevent the Spreading of Radioactive Frack Fluid on Westchester’s Roads

Marcellus Vertical Well UpshurCounty, Photo:
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December 10, 2012: 10:00AM to 2:00PM
Westchester County Office, 148 Martine Avenue, 8th Floor, White Plains, NY 10601 map

Hydraulic fracturing in the Marcellus Shale produces millions of gallons of radioactive waste fluid, which could be sent to Westchester water treatment plants or spread on Westchester roads.

Although the future of high volume hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) in New York State remains uncertain, drilling in Pennsylvania and Ohio and low volume fracking activities in upstate New York currently produce waste that contains heavy metals and naturally occurring radioactive materials. These contaminants, including radium-226, are linked to cancer and birth defects and are extremely difficult to remove once they have permeated drinking water supplies. Drilling operators dispose of some fracking waste fluid by sending it to waste water treatment plants and/or spreading it on roads for use as a deicer or dust control agent. Fracking waste spread on roads can run off into school playgrounds, residential properties, and farmland, and can ultimately contaminate rivers, streams, and underground aquifers that feed local drinking water supplies.

You can prevent contamination of Westchester’s water, air, and land by urging your legislator to support the bill that prohibits the acceptance of fracking waste by waste water treatment plants and bans its use on roads in the County.

On Monday, December 10, the Westchester County Board of Legislators (BOL) will hold a hearing to take public comments on the proposed legislation to ban the sale, application, and disposal of radioactive fracking waste product in the County. Please attend the hearing to express your support for this crucial legislation to protect the health and safety of County residents. Whether you can attend or not, call the BOL before Monday to express your support for this important legislation by phone at 914-995-2800, or by email at

When: Monday, December 10th, 10:00 AM

Where:Westchester County Office
148 Martine Avenue, 8th Floor
White Plains, NY 10601