News > Events > Riverkeeper Events > How’s the Water? How’s the Gowanus?

How’s the Water? How’s the Gowanus?

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April 17, 2012: 7:00PM to 9:00PM
Old Stone House, 3rd street and 5th Avenue, Park Slope map

Come find out at the Old Stone House in Park Slope!

Join Riverkeeper and the Gowanus Canal Conservancy for a presentation on water quality in the Hudson River Estuary and its tributaries, focusing on the waters around Manhattan Island and in Brooklyn’s Gowanus Canal and Newtown Creek.

For six years, Riverkeeper’s Patrol Boat and its scientific partners have been testing our waterways for sewage contamination and reporting the findings to the public. Riverkeeper will present findings from our Water Quality Testing Program, and discuss opportunities to improve public notification of sewage discharges and continue making our waterways safer for swimming, fishing and boating.

Learn about Riverkeeper’s Citizen Monitoring Program and its New York State bill that will require public notification of unsafe water quality conditions across the state.

Hans Hesselein, Director of Special Projects for the Gowanus Canal Conservancy, will join us for an overview of cleanup efforts currently underway on the canal as well as the work that the GCC is doing to steward the preservation, restoration, and green development of the Gowanus and its community.

Come out, get informed, and join the growing army of advocates fighting for clean waterways!

Questions and discussion will follow the presentation.

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