News > Events > Riverkeeper Events > How’s the Water in the Hudson and its Tributaries?

How’s the Water in the Hudson and its Tributaries?

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February 22, 2015: 3:00PM to 5:30PM
Stonehedge Restaurant, 1694 Route 9W, West Park map

Riverkeeper will make a presentation about water quality testing results from the Hudson River and its tributaries, at a public meeting hosted by the Mid Hudson Chapter of the Adirondack Mountain Club.

Riverkeeper conducts the most extensive water quality monitoring in the Hudson River estuary and its tributaries. The data is publicly available at and is used to educate people about recreational use of the water, and to inform decision-makers about needed investments to improve water quality.

The chapter’s board of directors meet at 2 p.m. Riverkeeper’s presentation begins at 3 p.m. Guests are invited to stay for an optional dinner at 4:30 p.m., at a cost of $25.50.

The optional dinner price includes taxes and gratuity. A cash bar will be available separately at additional charge. Paid reseverations for dinner are required by Feb. 14. Checks should be payable to Mid Hudson ADK, and mailed to Sue Mackson, 6 Titusville Heights, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603. All dinners include soup and salad, side dishes, dessert and coffee or tea. Please make your entree selection when you reserve: Chicken Francaise, broiled filet of sole or eggplant parmigiana. Payment for dinner will only be refunded if the restaurant closes due to weather.

The Mid-Hudson Chapter of the Adirondack Mountain Club is a partner on the annual Riverkeeper Sweep. Volunteers have cleaned up portions of the Black Creek and Wappinger Creek, removing tons of trash, dozens of tires (and this iconic photograph).
