News > Events > Riverkeeper Events > Join us at Markel Gallery for the “Water Stories” exhibition

Join us at Markel Gallery for the “Water Stories” exhibition

View more images on our Flickr site
April 30, 2015: 6:00PM to 8:00PM
529 West 20th Street, #6W, NYC map
To Attend:

Anne Neely’s new paintings form the culmination of her long obsession with water, which began when she read Marq de Villier’s, Water, The Fate of Our Most Precious Resource, a sobering account of the world water crisis. They convey the spirit of water, the experience of it – its colors, and light. With titles such as “Splash,” “Spill”, “Lost,” “Run Off,” and “Drought,” Neely’s paintings literally immerse you in the many dimensions of water. As Neely says “Although I am moved by the challenges we face today preserving water, for me the greater challenge is in my studio where, in some small way, I attempt to convey the beauty of this essential resource and what we are giving up by ignoring it.”

Riverkeeper staff will be on hand to answer questions and provide more information on our vital programs. Wine, beer and hors d’oeuvres will be served. If a member or friend of Riverkeeper purchases a painting, 10% of the sale will go directly to Riverkeeper and towards clean water initiatives.

Please join us for an evening of art and water appreciation, we hope to see you there!
RSVP is required as space is limited. RSVP to the Membership Department [email protected]
(914) 478-4501 x243