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Motivating Behavior Change through Social Marketing

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February 26, 2018: 1:00PM to 2:00PM
Online webinar
To Attend:
Register Here

From urban runoff and street litter to use of lawn pesticides and clear-cutting stream banks, many of the problems our waters face are the result of decisions made by individuals across a landscape. It also means the solutions are in our hands – but how can we change behaviors that damage the environment, and promote those that sustain it?

Join Riverkeeper at the Chesapeake Bay Trust’s Kacey Wetzel for a webinar revealing the steps for creating robust behavior change campaigns. The webinar will provide an introduction to social marketing, based on the Trust’s years of experience, and help participants learn how to improving outreach projects to achieve real results for environmental protection. Social marketing is “a process that applies marketing principles and techniques to influence target audience behaviors that benefit society as well as the target audience.” The webinar will cover general information about behavior change and include case studies on littering.

Learn more by visiting the “Outreach and Behavior Change Resources” portion of Chesapeake Bay Trust’s website.