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NRC Public Meeting – Tell the NRC…

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May 17, 2012: 6:00PM to 10:00PM
Double Tree Hotel, 455 South Broadway, Tarrytown, NY map

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is hosting a public meeting about the safety of Indian Point on May 17, and we need your help to send it a loud message: Don’t Let it Happen Here! Join Riverkeeper for a rally demanding that the NRC consider lessons from Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi meltdown when it holds hearings on the proposed relicensing of Entergy’s Indian Point nuclear reactors.

Press conference at 5:30p.m. followed by a rally and the public meeting at 7 p.m. at the DoubleTree Hotel (455 South Broadway, Tarrytown).

MANHATTAN TO TARRYTOWN BUS RSVP. Meet the buses at 4 p.m. at Grand Central Terminal (the buses will be waiting at 45th Street and Vanderbilt Avenue).

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NRC meeting press release