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Open House and Public Meeting on Indian Point Safety

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June 4, 2014: 6:00PM to 9:30PM
The Mansion at Colonial Terrace 119 Oregon Road Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 map

NRC Indian Point Safety Assessment – Open House and Public Meeting

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is holding its annual public meeting about Indian Point’s 2013 safety record on Wednesday, June 4, and we need your help to send the agency a loud and clear message:

Follow New York State’s lead and deny relicensing of this aging, dangerous nuclear plant.

6-7 p.m. Open house with NRC staff to answer questions from the public about Entergy’s performance at Indian Point during calendar year 2013, and discuss issues or concerns.

7-9 p.m. Question and answer session with NRC, during which members of the public can ask questions or make statements. Time for individual comments at the meeting may be limited to accommodate as many speakers as possible.

Three years after the Fukushima disaster, area residents remain acutely concerned that little or nothing has changed to improve public safety regarding Indian Point.

Join Riverkeeper and our partner groups in calling the NRC to account for its failure to address the real safety issues at Indian Point – seismic risk, security violations, evacuation planning, dangerous storage of nuclear waste and other critical issues – that are not being addressed in the relicensing process but that demand attention.

Come out and voice your concerns. We need to show NRC that there’s strength in numbers.

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