Starting on September 28, Indian Point will be operating without a current license. Join host Alec Baldwin for a panel discussion, “Indian Point Driving Without a License.”
Alec Baldwin is a long time advocate and supporter of Radiation and Public Health Project, whose “Tooth Fairy Study” led President Kennedy to ban above the ground nuclear testing.
Panel includes:
Joseph Mangano, Epidemiologist/ Director of RPHP
Ellen Jaffee, NYS Assemblywoman
Paul Gallay, Hudson Riiverkeeper
Dr. Erik Larsen, Hosptial Emergency Room Director
Connie Coker, Ex-Rockland County Legislator/ MidWife
Learn about the power available to replace Indian Point Indian Point, why Indian Point is operating without a license and about a new citizen science radiation and disease monitoring program.
5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Cocktails
6:30 p.m. – Forum
8:00 – 9:30 p.m. Benefit Dinner
CoSponsored by Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition, Rockland Water Coalition, Washington Spectator, ROSA for Rockland and PHASE.
For information and tickets, visit Tickets for cocktails are $100 per person, and tickets for the dinner at $250 per person.