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Pilgrim Pipeline Webinar

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January 12, 2016: 7:00PM to 8:00PM

Featured presenters:
Kate Hudson, Director of Cross-Watershed Initiatives, Riverkeeper
Jennifer Metzger, Town Councilwoman of Rosendale, NY and Co-director of Citizens for Local Power

A permit application has been filed by Pilgrim Pipeline Holdings, LLC to the NYS Thruway Authority for two parallel pipelines each up to 24 inches in diameter that would run from Albany, NY to Linden, NJ. One pipeline would transport crude oil south while the other pipeline would carry refined products north. In total, the pipeline would cover some 178 miles, crossing Albany, Greene, Ulster, Orange, and Rockland counties. Five Laterals are proposed in the project proposal. In Orange County, laterals would run through New Windsor and the City of Newburgh to Roseton tank farms on the Hudson River. In the Capital Region, laterals are also proposed to cross the Hudson River to tank farms in Rensselaer County.

Join this webinar to learn the facts and get involved.

What are the risks?

Pipeline spills release much larger amounts of oil than spills from any other mode of transport such as rail cars, barges and tankers. From 2004 to 2012, pipelines spilled three times the oil that oil trains did over the same period. These spills end up damaging property and polluting water and water supply systems. The Pilgrim Pipelines would pass over the Delaware and Catskill aqueducts which supply drinking water to more than 9 million New Yorkers.

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