News > Events > Riverkeeper Events > Public Forum: Ferries, Cruises & Transportation of Humans

Public Forum: Ferries, Cruises & Transportation of Humans

November 25, 2019: 8:30AM to 10:30AM
New York Cruise Lines, Pier 81, 41st Street and 12th Avenue New York, NY 10036 map
To Attend:
Register to attend

The Waterfront Alliance, in partnership with the New York City Department of City Planning (DCP), invites you to join us for an upcoming series of public forums on the future of our waterfront.

Next year, DCP will release the next NYC Comprehensive Waterfront Plan, which will guide waterfront planning and policy for the city for the next 10 years. This is an important time to set the course of action for our waterfront for the next decade and beyond.

What should the future of NYC’s waterfront look like?

As part of a city-wide community engagement and research gathering effort, these forums are an important opportunity for New Yorkers to learn and engage around key waterfront issues and to actively inform the waterfront planning process.

Specifically, this forum, co-hosted by New York Cruise Line, will seek input on the state of waterborne transportation in NYC from ferries to harbor cruises and more. Waterborne transportation contributes to transit resiliency for our city and supports waterfront communities that are underserved by transit; promotes tourism through a robust harbor cruise industry, and enhances workforce development in the maritime sector. It also requires planning and investment in our waterfront infrastructure. Weigh in on the opportunities and challenges of waterborne transportation—register here!

This forum will convene local stakeholders — residents, maritime companies, community groups, local organizations, and waterfront enthusiasts of all kinds.