News > Events > Riverkeeper Events > Skills Sharing Workshops for Fighting Pilgrim Pipelines

Skills Sharing Workshops for Fighting Pilgrim Pipelines

February 11, 2017: 9:30AM to 3:00PM
320 Sawkill Rd, Kingston, New York 12401 map
Event Website:
Facebook Page
To Attend:

Want to get involved to stop the Pilgrim Pipelines but sometimes feel like you don’t have all the facts at your finger tips, don’t have the latest updates on the struggle or think you don’t know exactly what goes into a press release or facebook page?

Come join us for a great day of skills sharing! The workshops included in this skills-sharing day are: a Sample Talking Points presentation accompanied by a printed version, with references, that can be used for outreach and talking points, as well as trainings on Media Outreach, Power Point, Social Media Outreach, and Pilgrim Pipeline Map Reading. Additionally, a handy Outreach Resource Bibliography will be provided to all attendees. This sharing of skills is intended for those invested in the fight against Pilgrim Pipelines to be able to leave at the end of the day equipped to do outreach to others. So whether you are a seasoned member of CAPPNY who would like to hone your outreach skills, or are new to learning about the threat of Pilgrim Pipelines and seeking to get involved, come join us. Coffee and a nosh will get us started, and lunch will be provided in between sessions. If possible, please register for the workshop/s that you plan to take so we can get a sense of the space we will need for each workshop and how much food to provide. The workshops are free to all, but as always, donations to CAPPNY (now tax deductible!) are always welcome and appreciated.