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Southeast New York Stormwater Conference

October 14, 2015: 8:00AM to 3:30PM
Dutchess Manor, 263 NY-9D, Beacon, NY map
To Attend:

Riverkeeper will be among the presenters at the 15th Annual Southeast New York Stormwater Conference and Trade Show.

Riverkeeper will present information about its ongoing water quality monitoring program, which includes sampling for fecal-indicating bacteria in the Hudson River Estuary, in collaboration with CUNY Queens College and Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory; as well as a growing community science program, which samples tributaries and waterfronts in partnership with a variety of local groups and individuals.

The Lower Hudson Coalition of Conservation Districts’ annual conference is an opportunity for municipal staff and officials, water quality professionals, land use planners, civil and environmental engineers, landscape architects, construction contractors and interested citizens to learn about stormwater management and related topics from experts in the field, and from one another. Each year the conference features speakers that address water quality management from a variety of different perspectives and disciplines. The associated trade show gives attendees a chance to check out the latest and greatest trends in stormwater management technology and professional services.

See the 2015 SENY Stormwater Conference program. Register online. Click here for more information.