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Tree Maintenance near Quassaick Creek (Little Falls)

September 28, 2024: 10:00AM to 1:00PM
275 Walsh Ave, New Windsor, NY 12553 map
To Attend:

Riverkeeper is looking for volunteers who can commit to a tree maintenance project at the Little Falls tree planting site adjacent to the Quassaick Creek on September 28 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

The Walsh Road Bridge (adjacent to the tree planting site) is under construction and you will only be able to get there from a certain direction, a portion of the road is entirely closed. To get there, please follow the specific directions below:

  • Insert the address of the New Windsor Fire Department (GPS loc1ation: 275 Walsh Ave, New Windsor, NY 12553).
  • Continue down Walsh Ave until you see a series of orange cones on the right of the road.
  • Please drive to the left of those cones and make your first left onto the dirt access road.

We apologize for this complication but not to worry! Riverkeeper staff will be there to direct you to the access road and help you park along the stream bank. Parking is very limited onsite and carpooling is encouraged.

The tree maintenance project includes aligning the tree tubes, removing and replacing broken tubes, pounding stakes, and watering to care for existing trees as well as inventorying. Volunteers will also remove invasive species (using pruners only). Only Riverkeeper staff can use machetes and/or eagle beaks and designate the plants and vines that need to be cut.

Safety Precautions:
Volunteers are strongly advised to wear long pants, sturdy closed-toed shoes or boots that can get dirty, wear long hair tied back, and remove jewelry. There will be poison ivy in the area! Please dress comfortably with the weather in mind. Refreshments will be available, but volunteers are also advised to bring their own full reusable water bottle and snacks. Please also bring gardening/work gloves, a shovel, and sunscreen if you have them. Be wary of any ticks, so please also bring bug spray. Volunteers will be required to follow safety protocols at this event, including staying with the group at all times and watching your footing. They must also remain on land and cannot step foot into the water. Only ages 10 and up can participate.

Please contact Maddie Feaster at [email protected] or 631-513-2399 if you have any questions. Maddie will reach back out to you with more details this month.

THANK YOU for coming to help us rewild and beautify this area! We’re going to have a blast.