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Riverkeeper Presentation – Crude Oil Transportation in the Hudson Valley

RVK Vassar Presentation Introslide
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April 2, 2015: 5:30PM to 7:00PM
Vassar College Aula in Elly Hall, Poughkeepsie map

Join Riverkeeper’s Jeremy Cherson, Riverkeeper Fellow for a presentation about the risks of crude oil transportation in the Hudson Valley on April 2, 2015. This presentation is made possible by our sponsors the Casperkill Watershed Alliance and Vassar College Sustainability.

The event is free, and the public is encouraged to attend.

Until recently, there was little or no crude oil transported in the Hudson Valley. The growth of oil production in North Dakota and elsewhere has spurred industry to make the Hudson Valley into an international conduit for crude oil. Up to 5 billion gallons of crude oil is being transported through the Hudson Valley annually by train, barge and ship. All three transportation methods – what is being called by industry a “virtual pipeline” – could affect our communities and environmental resources. Spills, explosions and fires—some resulting in the catastrophic loss of life—have occurred elsewhere on this virtual pipeline. Further, proposed Hudson River oil facility expansions and the proposed development of a regional pipeline could increase the transport of crude oil locally by as much as 3.8 billion gallons annually. Learn more at

The Aula is located in Ely Hall with the accessible entrance located on the side of the building. Accessible bathrooms are located on the first floor. Disability parking spaces can be found at the side entrance, the visitor parking lot, and in the Pratt House parking lot.

Accessibility Information
There is a ramped entrance on the side of the building next to the Aula. Access to the second floor art studio and lab areas is possible by lift. There are accessible bathrooms located on the first floor and second floor. Designated disability parking spaces are available in the Pratt House lot, the Ely visitors parking lot, and the Baldwin parking lot.