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Wallkill River Summit: Making progress toward a healthy, enjoyable river

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April 10, 2018: 5:00PM to 8:30PM
SUNY New Paltz, Student Union Building, Multipurpose Room map
To Attend:

The Wallkill River Watershed Alliance will host the 4th annual Wallkill River Summit at SUNY New Paltz.

The 2018 Wallkill River Summit’s feature presentation, by Chris Swain, is titled, “From the Hudson River to the Gowanus Canal: Two Decades of Swimming for Clean Water.” Swain is the first person in history to swim the entire lengths of the Hudson, Mohawk, Columbia, Charles and Mystic Rivers, as well as Lake Champlain and large sections of the Atlantic coastline of the United States. He engages the public via press, educators and other partners to highlight water quality issues and opportunities. 

The focus of the Summit’s agenda is recreation and water quality.  Presentations will cover topics including a new Wallkill River water trail, the Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge, new water quality data from the Alliance and the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), and what people can do to get involved.

Register at (Walk-ins also welcome.)

Dinner will be available (at cost to participants) at SUNY New Paltz.

Suggested donation is $10. Donations benefit the Alliance.

The Summit is supported by the Benjamin Center at SUNY New Paltz, as well as Riverkeeper and the Environmental Protection Fund, via the DEC’s Hudson River Estuary Program.