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Wallkill River Watershed Citizens Group Meeting

Photo May 09, 10 14 50 AM
Volunteers work with the New Paltz Villgae Shade Tree Commission, the DEC Hudson River Estuary Program Trees for Tribs program, and Riverkeeper to plant trees on the Saw Mill Brook, a Wallkill River tributary in New Paltz.
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June 4, 2015: 7:00PM to 9:00PM
New Paltz Village Hall, 25 Plattekiill Avenue, New Paltz map

The Future of the Wallkill River event identified the need for a strong citizens group to partner with governments and non-profit groups to protect and restore the Wallkill and its tributaries.

The first meeting of a new Wallkill River Watershed citizens group will focus on projects that need volunteer leaders and participants.

Riverkeeper is one of the groups and agencies that will support the new group, but its members will determine its mission. Others in a support role include the Village of New Paltz; SUNY New Paltz Center for Regional Research, Education and Outreach; the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Hudson River Estuary Program and the Hudson River Watershed Alliance.

Riverkeeper will be seeking partners to help with understanding and reducing fecal contamination in the Wallkill River watershed, and with watchdog reporting of pollution incidents. Riverkeeper will also help support the planned monthly citizen-led “boat brigades” to observe conditions on the Wallkill.

Other projects, supported by other groups and agencies, may include coordination of and communications for the group; developing a speaker series; participating in DEC citizen monitoring for macroinvertebrates (a measure of ecosystem health); coordinating future shoreline tree-planting projects with DEC Trees for Tribs program; expanding recreational opportunities; and other projects to be discussed at the meeting.

Come learn how you can get involved!

One of the challenges of fostering the creation of a new citizens group for the Wallkill is the size of the river and watershed. If you are interested in working on Wallkill River restoration projects, but can’t attend this meeting, please contact Dan Shapley at [email protected].