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Webinar: Ashokan Reservoir – Stop the Mud and Give us Clean Water

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May 5, 2021: 6:00PM to 7:00PM
To Attend:

New York City is once again dumping millions of gallons a day of turbid water from its Ashokan Reservoir into the Lower Esopus Creek. This reaches the Hudson River, too – an important source of drinking water.

The wildlife, the communities and the river should not have to bear this burden. And with climate change, we can expect this to happen more and more often.

Right now is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to demand alternative solutions to bring clean water to New York City’s tap.

Join Riverkeeper in partnership with Catskill Mountainkeeper, Esopus Creek Conservancy,, Kingston Land Trust, Saugerties Democratic Committee and Shout Out Saugerties for an information and free webinar to learn about what you can do now through June 16 to help call on the state DEC to improve the management of the reservoir, long term. A question and answer period will be included.

This webinar is designed for residents, activists, officials, people who enjoy the creek and those who drink NYC’s tap water – anyone who wants to make a difference.

Panelists include:
Amanda LaValle, Director of Ulster County Department of the Environment
Bill Wegner, Riverkeeper Staff Scientist
Fred Costello, Town of Saugerties Supervisor
Victoria Leung, Riverkeeper Associate Staff Attorney
Rebecca Martin, Riverkeeper Director of Community Partnerships

Registration required. We will make a recording of this webinar available for those who are not able to join us following the event.

For more information, visit

Aerial photo by Michael Nelson