This fall, as GE prepares to shut down its cleanup of the PCBs it dumped in the Upper Hudson River, we’ll be hosting a “back to school” web class on what the company has done to date, and the mess it’s planning on leaving behind. We will also discuss in detail GE’s remaining legal responsibilities to the River and the people of New York, including its mammoth natural resource damages (NRD) liability. We’ll set the record straight with some history, science, and good old fashioned dollars-and-cents math, clearing up any GE misinformation along the way. Listen in if you want to learn, and we promise—no homework.
Riverkeeper and NRDC are members of the Campaign for a Cleaner Hudson, which is a coalition of individuals and organizations with a common goal: The continued dredging by General Electric of the PCBs it dumped into the Hudson for decades. Other coalition members include Scenic Hudson and Clearwater.
Riverkeeper’s educational webinar series is generously supported by JSA Financial Group.