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Webinar: Tales From the River

Webinar: Tales from the River
View more images on our Flickr site
June 4, 2024: 6:00PM to 7:00PM
Online - Zoom
To Attend:
Register [FREE]
John Lipscomb

(John Lipscomb steering the R. Ian Fletcher, Credit: Rebecca Gentry 2015)

Join us for a unique installment of our webinar series with a conversation between longtime Riverkeeper Boat Captain John Lipscomb and Environmental Filmmaker Jon Bowermaster, moderated by Riverkeeper President Tracy Brown. Bowermaster will inquire about Lipscomb’s decades patrolling the Hudson River aboard the R. Ian Fletcher – over 6,000 nautical miles since 2000. Lipscomb will share his memorable stories, insights, and deep knowledge that he gained over 20 years as an ambassador and protector of the river.