News > Events > Trees for Tribs Tree Planting along Saw Kill Creek in Redhook

Trees for Tribs Tree Planting along Saw Kill Creek in Redhook

October 22, 2016 to September 22, 2016
To Attend:
More Information

Join the Hudson River Estuary Program and Trees for Tribs for a tree planting along Saw Kill Creek in Redhook. For more information about the event, please contact Beth Roessler, Hudson Estuary Trees for Tribs Coordinator, at [email protected].

Since 2007, New York State’s Trees for Tribs Program has been planting young trees and shrubs along stream corridors to prevent erosion, increase flood water retention, improve wildlife and stream habitat, as well as protect water quality. Trees for Tribs has engaged more than 7,600 volunteers in planting more than 66,000 trees and shrubs at 470 sites across New York State.