News > Events > Under One Sky Secular Rally

Under One Sky Secular Rally

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September 24, 2015: 6:30PM to 8:30PM
at Dag Hammarskjold Park, E. 47 St.between 1 Ave. and 2 Ave., New York, NY map

This event is a secular rally, in support of ambitious global goals to tackle poverty, inequality, and climate change by increasing public awareness, and mobilizing locally and globally to push for efforts to fight for solutions to these pressing issues.

The night before UN goals are announced, and Pope Francis addresses the United Nations, thousands of people around the world will stand together Under One Sky united for a better world, illuminating the commitments about to be made for the world, and it’s leaders.

Coordinated by Avaaz, Save the Children, The Global Poverty Project, and other broad-based social justice organizations.