News > Events > Watershed Revolution film showing and discussion

Watershed Revolution film showing and discussion

April 21, 2016: 7:00PM to 10:00PM
Elmendorph Inn, Red Hook map

In conjunction with the Red Hook Public Library, the Saw Kill Watershed Community is sponsoring a free showing of the film Watershed Revolution on Thursday, April 21, at 7 p.m. at the Elmendorph Inn in Red Hook. After the film (about 30 minutes), Eli Dueker, Assistant Professor of Environmental and Urban Studies at Bard College, and Karen Schneller-McDonald, author of Connecting the Drops: A Citizen’s Guide to Protecting Water Resources, will answer questions and lead a discussion.

Watershed Revolution focuses on community efforts to protect and preserve the Ventura River watershed in California. Many of the issues the film covers are the same issues faced with the Saw Kill. This film is an excellent introduction to what watersheds are, why they’re so important, and how the community can be involved. It’s appropriate for middle-school students and up.

For more information, contact Tom O’Dowd at [email protected] or 845-752-4852. Also see our Facebook page at and our website at