Join Riverkeeper’s Water Quality Program Manager, Dan Shapley, for an informative and free webinar to learn about the findings of our new water quality report, “How’s the Water? 2015.” This year’s report includes:
• new analysis of patterns of contamination in the Hudson River estuary that are relevant to the thousands of people who enjoy the river for swimming, tubing, fishing, boating and other recreation;
• the first-ever detailed reporting of results from samples gathered by community scientists in the Catskill, Esopus, Rondout and Sparkill Creeks; the Pocantico and Wallkill Rivers; and New York City water access points; and,
• a detailed Action Agenda to guide state and local decision-makers who share the goal of making our waters consistently safe for swimming.
Registration required. We will make a recording of this webinar available for those who are not able to join us at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, July 1.