News > Events > Webinar: Sewage Right to Know

Webinar: Sewage Right to Know

July 18, 2013: 4:00PM to 4:45PM
Via and conference call line

RSVP for another offering of this important webinar for those interested in the Hudson River’s water quality. Riverkeeper’s Water Quality Advocate, Tracy Brown, will brief webinar participants on the landmark Sewage Pollution Right to Know Act, which Riverkeeper fought to pass in 2012, and which went into effect this spring. The act requires public notification when sewage is discharged into our waterways from publicly owned sewer infrastructure. Tracy will also discuss findings from Riverkeeper’s water quality study by way of a demo of our new online platform.

One of the objectives of this webinar is to train volunteers to talk to the public about the Sewage Right to Know Law and Riverkeeper’s water quality program. We are currently looking for volunteers to help us get signatures on our Sewage Right to Know petition to the DEC during the upcoming Swimmable Water Action Days, happening July 25-27. If you are interested in supporting this effort, please sign up here.

What: A 45-minute webinar for our Volunteers, Ambassadors, Citizen Scientists and supporters.

When: July 18 at 4 p.m.

Participation: To participate in the webinar, you must complete 2 steps:

1. Visual: Go to
2. Audio: Either click the phone icon and select ‘Call via internet’ or Dial +1.805.309.5900 and enter conference ID: 541-699-406#

Please note, the online audio does not always work for every participant, so please plan to call in using the conference call number if possible.