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Close Indian Point: Donate Now to Match Your Gift


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Donate now to double your gift to Riverkeeper’s Close Indian Point campaign.

A generous board member has stepped forward to match every dollar donated to Riverkeeper’s Close Indian Point campaign, up to $150,000. Donate now to double the impact of your gift to this historic effort!

A contribution now helps Riverkeeper at a pivotal moment, on the eve of this summer’s Nuclear Regulatory Commission hearings that will decide the fate of the nuclear reactors that kill 1 billion fish and other living creatures annually and threaten the lives and livelihoods of millions of people in the region. Will Entergy prevail, and win a new license to operate Indian Point for another 20 years? Or will Riverkeeper and its allies succeed and Close Indian Point once and for all?

Make no mistake; this is a David and Goliath fight. And we need your help.

Your donation will help us match Entergy’s spectacularly financed lawyers, and ensure that Riverkeeper can put the best expert witnesses on the stand to prove that Indian Point, with its aging equipment, inadequate safety procedures, illegal water usage and history of radioactive leaks, is past its expiration date. Your contribution will help us counteract the company’s misleading ad campaign, and educate the public about Indian Point’s startling risks, and the smarter choices we have for powering our homes and our economy.
For nearly 40 years, we’ve been told that Indian Point is “safe, secure and vital.” Perched just 24 miles from the New York City line, it’s anything but. Indian Point represents power we can live without—and risks we simply can’t accept. Not now, not after Fukushima—and certainly not for another 20 years.

Donate now, and every dollar you donate is like donating two. Please do your part, and help us in this historic fight for clean water, safe energy and a secure future.

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