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Report Dead Atlantic Sturgeon


Photo credit: Cacophny
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The Atlantic sturgeon, the icon of the Hudson River estuary, was recently declared a federal endangered species. Recently, Riverkeeper has received reports from citizen watchdogs after they discovered Atlantic sturgeon dead. If you find a dead sturgeon, please take down the following information and report it to the Department of Environmental Conservation’s Hudson River Fisheries Unit via email at [email protected]. Then call DEC fisheries staff at 845-256-3071 and/or 845-256-3073.

  • Specific location where fish was found.
  • Condition of the fish. Note if it is badly decayed or freshly killed.
  • Signs of trauma, and where the signs of trauma appear on the fish.
    – Length of fish, from nose to tip of upper tail fin (estimate length if you can’t measure).
  • Look for external tags affixed for scientific research, usually a yellow streamer at or near the base of the dorsal fin. Take note of any writing on the tags.
  • Check the left pelvic fin. If it is clipped, it may have been marked by scientists for research.
  • Take a picture of the entire fish.
  • Take pictures of any injuries.
  • Take a picture of the head and mouth, from below. (This will allow for proper identification of the species.)
  • Leave the fish leave where it was found. Possession of endangered species is not allowed.