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Environmental Protection Fund Call-in Day – Thursday March 25th

Riverkeeper is part of the initiative to restore New York’s Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) in the state budget and time is running out! In his budget proposal this year, Governor Paterson cut environmental funding to the bone. He slashed staff at the Department of Environmental Conservation and shut down dozens of parks. He also cut $69 million from the Environmental Protection Fund, which protects what we love most-our parks and zoos, drinking water, natural areas and farmland, and much more.

When the Governor tried this last year, the Legislature restored some of these critical funds after hearing from concerned New Yorkers.

State leaders are working to wrap up next year’s budget deal before April 1st. Act now and make a difference by calling State Senate Majority Leader Sampson and Assembly Speaker Silver on Thursday, March 25th and tell them to restore New York’s Environmental Protection Fund to $222 million with $60 million for land acquisition.

Call Senate Leader John Sampson at (518) 455-2788
Call Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver at (518) 455-3791

Tell them to show how much they love New York by restoring the Environmental Protection Fund in the state budget.

Help keep our environment healthy and protected-for our families today and for future generations tomorrow.

Learn more about how the EPF benefits communities in every county of New York State.