Photo courtesy Rob Friedman
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K. Hattala, Hudson River Fisheries Unit
An initial call of a small fish kill was received by the DEC on 7/13/2010. Early details on the exact number and location of the dead fish were uncertain at that time. DEC obtained assistance through the Riverkeeper office in Tarrytown, near reported kill area, and their patrol boat Captain John Lipscomb, to narrow down the location and extent of the kill. Several calls to Riverkeeper and the DEC Reg 2 office indicated the dead fish were being carried south toward New York City by the wind and tides over the course of 48 hours.
The true extent of the kill is unknown, but estimated to be approximately several hundred fish, most all are Atlantic menhaden. Six large striped bass were also observed dead. All dead fish were observed in the area from the Tappan Zee Bridge down to northern Manhattan from mid river to the east shore. Early reports indicate the kill also occurred farther north to Ossining.
Samples of fresh fish were transported to the Cornell fish pathology lab for analysis on Friday 7/16/2010. Results from tests most likely will not be available for a week or so.