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Riverkeeper statement on EPA/NY agreement regarding Tappan Zee and Clean Water funds

Riverkeeper has the following statement in response to today’s announcement of an agreement between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 2 and the New York Department of Environmental Conservation. New York State has agreed to withdraw its appeal related to the Tappan Zee Bridge project, for which the state had proposed to use the Clean Water Act State Revolving Fund.

“This is a big win for clean water in New York,” Riverkeeper President Paul Gallay said.

“We are pleased that the Governor has dropped the appeal over the $480 million in proposed Clean Water Act loans that EPA had disallowed, and we thank the EPA for its role in fostering this result. Riverkeeper will do its part to assure that these funds are now directed back to their proper purpose: to improve water quality in New York and restore our rivers.”

“Communities across New York face enormous financial needs in trying to improve their water infrastructure. We’re glad this vital funding will now go where it is most needed.”

“Riverkeeper is grateful to Pace Environmental Litigation Clinic, its professors, and its hardworking law students, for representing us so effectively in this important case.”