News > News > Riverkeeper reacts to Governor Cuomo’s State of the State

Riverkeeper reacts to Governor Cuomo’s State of the State

New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo held the annual State of the State address this afternoon at the Empire State Plaza Convention Center in Albany. In the address, the Governor outlined an aggressive environmental agenda that could have a positive effect on New York’s waterways, if implemented. Riverkeeper’s Legislative Advocacy Manager, Jeremy Cherson responded to three proposals, $3 billion Restore Mother Nature Bond Act, a statewide ban of polystyrene used in foodservice, and State acquisition of open spaces: 

Restore Mother Nature Bond Act
“We are thrilled to see the $3 billion Restore Mother Nature Bond Act included to ensure clean water and environmental programs receive the funding they deserve. Restore Mother Nature can give New York’s animals stressed by the climate crisis and years of exploitation a fighting chance to recover and thrive. Nearly all of the Hudson River’s iconic fish are in serious long-term decline including the ecologically and economically important striped bass. State investments protecting vulnerable animals and their habitats also help communities across the region at risk from sea-level rise and increased flooding through projects such as wetland restoration.”

Polystyrene ban in foodservice
“Styrofoam packaging is one of the most common items Riverkeeper finds along the shores of the Hudson River. New York City and other communities in the state have already phased out the environmentally damaging packaging, which is derived from fossil fuels. We are thrilled to see this proposal included in the State of the State and look forward to its passage.” 

Land Acquisition in Mid-Hudson Valley
“Expanding parkland in the Mid-Hudson Valley not only increases recreational opportunities for New Yorkers but also ensures the natural filters that forests provide will benefit Hudson River tributaries. We are pleased to see proposed acquisitions that will protect water quality in the Moodna Creek, Pocantico River, Rondout Creek and other watersheds.”



For more information, contact Cliff Weathers, Riverkeeper Communications Director at 845-445-8257 or [email protected].