Blogs > Docket > Surprise! What’s behind Riverkeeper’s ‘new look’

Surprise! What’s behind Riverkeeper’s ‘new look’


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riverkeeper-logo-and-anniversary-logo-890x490Visitors to Riverkeeper’s website may have been in for a bit of a surprise — two of them actually — this week.

First, our site has been revamped. Not only does this provide a fresh look on your computer’s browser, it’s also mobile friendly for the first time, so you can better keep up with our news, events and water quality reports right from your cellphone.

Overall, we think the redesign is cleaner, and easier to read and navigate. The pages are simpler and our blogs are more visible. You’ll still find the same detailed information that you’ve come to expect from Riverkeeper, and you’ll find new website features in the months ahead.

A big thank you goes to Riverkeeper’s Online Media Producer Gwendolyn Chambers for her expertise, patience and diligence in making this happen and the team at Social Ink for making our vision a reality.

Our second surprise: The Riverkeeper logo. In honor of this, our 50th Anniversary year, Riverkeeper adopted a special emblem, reminiscent of the classic, hand-routed wood signage that welcomes visitors to the Hudson Valley’s towns and villages. Along with our anniversary logo comes a new tagline: “Defending NY’s Waterways For Half a Century.” This logo and tagline appear not only on our website, but also on our stationery, promotional materials, and social media pages.

For those of you already missing the classic “water drop” logo, we love it as well and I hope it will remain a symbol of this organization for a long time to come.

We have a lot planned for our 50th Anniversary. And we’ve begun posting photographs and stories from our history on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages. Follow the hashtag #50onHudson to see the latest post from our archives.

Despite being 50, we’re as spry as ever and have many more surprises in store for our anniversary. Come back to this space in the upcoming weeks for more.