News > News > Safeguard Drinking Water > New York Water Rangers Applaud Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee for Protecting State Waters from Hazardous Waste

New York Water Rangers Applaud Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee for Protecting State Waters from Hazardous Waste


May 4, 2011

Erica Ringewald, Environmental Advocates of New York, 518.210.9903
Sarah Eckel, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, 202.486.9007
Tina Posterli, Riverkeeper, 914.478.4501 x 239

Legislation Would Require Fracking Waste be Treated as Hazardous Waste

(ALBANY, NY)—The New York Water Rangers, individuals working to protect state waters from dirty gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” today thanked the State Assembly’s Environmental Conservation Committee for passing legislation that would close a loophole in state law allowing the gas industry to circumvent requirements for the management and disposal of hazardous waste (A.7013 / S.4616). The Defining Hazardous Fracking Waste bill would update state law so that any drilling waste that meets the characteristics of hazardous waste is subject to all state regulations related to its generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal.

“Why should the gas industry get a free pass on hazardous fracking waste? If wastewater generated by dirty gas drilling and fracking is hazardous, it must be treated as such in order to protect the health and safety of our communities and our waters.”

The New York Water Rangers are now calling on members of the Assembly Codes Committee to pass the bill without haste and keep it on track.

“The New York Water Rangers commend the Assembly’s Environmental Conservation Committee for moving to protect our waters from hazardous waste. Committee members, we hereby deputize you as honorary Water Rangers. Your capes await.”

The New York Water Rangers campaign is supported by a network of organizations working to protect the rights and health of New Yorkers and one of our most precious environmental resources—water—from the dangers of irresponsible, poorly regulated, and under-inspected natural gas exploration and development. The campaign was launched by Environmental Advocates of New York and is supported by Catskill Mountainkeeper, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Earthjustice, EARTHWORKS Oil & Gas Accountability Project, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Riverkeeper. Visit to learn more.