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Riverkeeper supports NYC Green Infrastructure

NYC plan pressconf

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Riverkeeper lent its support to the new green infrastructure plan unveiled at a press conference held by Mayor Michael Bloomberg and New York State Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Cas Holloway. The new plan, called NYC Green Infrastructure, will replace the existing approach for sewer overflow control, which relies solely on traditional investments like holding tanks and tunnels, with a mix of green infrastructure and cost-effective traditional infrastructure that will reduce sewer overflows into waterways by 40 percent by 2030 by capturing more stormwater. The plan will reduce the City’s long-term sewer management costs by $2.4 billion over the next 20 years, by helping to hold down future water bills.

Paul Gallay, Executive Director and Hudson Riverkeeper, spoke at the press conference about the plan being a great start in embracing green infrastructure to reduce sewage pollution in New York City’s waters. Riverkeeper is counting on the City to work with State regulators and environmental groups to find the right mix of stormwater control techniques for improved water quality.

Riverkeeper will work with DEP, DEC and EPA to ensure that the final, detailed plan will result in CSO reductions that bring the City into compliance by 2030.

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