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Arnie Gunderson: Why 10 Mile Evacuation Plans Won’t Work

As Jeff Donn reports in his four part Aging Nukes Associated Press series, populations around nuclear power plants in our country have swelled as much as 4 1/2 times since 1980, but some estimates of evacuation times have not been updated in decades and evacuation zones have remained frozen at a 10-mile radius from each plant since they were set in 1978.

This important video by Fairewinds chief engineer and nuclear power industry executive, Arnie Gunderson, emphasizes the need to enlarge evacuation zones around US nuclear plants to 50 miles.

Indian Point has the highest population density surrounding a nuclear plant in the United States, with 20 million people living within a 50 mile radius. It is also the plant with a 10 mile evacuation plan that former Federal Emergency Management Agency head James Lee Witt called unworkable. Visit our Take Action center and let NRC know Indian Point is not worth the risk!