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Riverkeeper and Partners Meet New NRC Chairwoman, Push Aggressive Agenda on Indian Point Follow-up Promised by Commission Officials

Contact: Tina Posterli, 516-526-9371, [email protected]

Ossining, NY – February 15 , 2013 – Earlier this week, Riverkeeper and partner groups had the opportunity to meet with Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Chairwoman Allison Macfarlane to discuss concerns about the continued operation of the Indian Point nuclear power plant. During the meeting, Riverkeeper presented a list of actions to the chairwoman urging that NRC:

  • Require Entergy to move spent nuclear fuel from Indian Point’s two overfilled pools to dry cask storage, in order to reduce the risk of a catastrophic fire.
  • Conduct an independent review of Indian Point’s emergency plan that solicits and fully considers public input from communities around Indian Point.
  • Hold public meetings in New York in 2013 on the NRC’s ongoing review of nuclear waste storage and status of Entergy’s compliance with fire safety regulations/status of fire exemptions.
  • Require Entergy to complete an updated assessment to examine earthquake vulnerability before any decision on Indian Point relicensing is made.

“We are pleased to have had the opportunity to begin an in-person dialogue with Chairwoman Macfarlane and make our concerns heard,” said Paul Gallay, President and Hudson Riverkeeper. “The most important part of the visit will be the outcomes and whether the chairwoman and NRC deliver on the specific asks made about actions that need to happen before any decision on the relicensing of this outdated and dangerous plant is even considered. NRC officials have promised further dialogue and answers on all issues raised by Riverkeeper and its fellow advocates. You can be sure we’ll keep the pressure on.”

Riverkeeper has been raising concerns about Indian Point’s impact on the Hudson River ecosystem for more than forty years, and has fought to close the reactors since just after the September 11 terrorist attacks, when it learned of the plant’s vulnerability to terrorism and poor safety record. Since the tragedy began unfolding at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, Riverkeeper has been working on many fronts to hold the NRC accountable for the gross negligence regarding safety issues that has continued at Indian Point, and is a party in the Indian Point license renewal proceeding where it has raised critical safety concerns demonstrating why the NRC should not relicense the aging, unsafe plant.