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Nuclear Power Plants “Flirt with Disaster”

The fact that Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant has had its fair share of issues is nothing new. With the New Year comes new government and different people looking at the same problems, which might be why Newsweek chose to spotlight the defense systems of nuclear power plants. Radioactive waste remains an overarching problem, especially since no one is completely content with storage options. Every few years, mock terrorists attack nuclear plants to locate weak points in security, but in 2005, half of nuclear plants tested failed. The Nuclear Regulatory Committee is insisting that plants are safer than ever, but with the proposal of $8 billion in loan guarantees to begin building new plants, this potential threat to national safety is only growing.

If Indian Point can’t even control a small electrical fire which eventually lead to the release of thousands of gallons of oil into the Hudson River in November (which they kept to themselves), how will they fare if attacked by terrorists? Indian Point is only 35 miles upwind from Manhattan, making it extremely vulnerable to attack with grave consequences to both public health and national security. In addition to it’s vulnerability to terrorism, other problems include a laundry list of safety issues, the storage of 1500 tons of radioactive waste onsite, and the lack of a workable evacuation plan. Riverkeeper has been working toward the permanent shutdown of the Indian Point nuclear power plant.