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Riverkeeper Supports New York State’s Denial of Critical Certification for Indian Point

Indian Point DEC public meeting

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Last month, Riverkeeper, together with its partners Scenic Hudson and Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), fought back against efforts by Entergy, the owner of the Indian Point nuclear power plant, to overturn the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s (“DEC”) denial of a critical water quality certification. The groups filed a legal petition with DEC on July 12 seeking to participate in the hearing process, supporting DEC’s decision and offering additional reasons why the denial should be upheld.

Riverkeeper’s petition offers substantial evidence to support DEC’s findings that continued operation of Indian Point would violate New York State water quality standards. Entergy’s plan to continue using an antiquated once-through cooling system would lead to ongoing harmful impacts to the Hudson River’s ecology and aquatic species. Reports commissioned by Riverkeeper indicate that numerous important fish species in the river are in decline, due in part to the destruction caused by Indian Point.

The DEC hosted meetings on July 20 to solicit comments from the public on this critical issue and on July 21, the DEC convened an “issues conference” to determine if any of the issues raised by Entergy in its request merit a hearing, and also decide which parties, such as Riverkeeper may participate in the proceedings.

Riverkeeper supporters turned out in droves to make their voices heard at the public meetings. The raging grannies were there to support DEC’s decision and sing their song “Indian Point Must Go”? Watch the video:

Thank you to all who were there to advocate on behalf of our great River. We’ll continue to keep you all posted about this important issue.