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Riverkeeper issues warning to Newtown Creek Recycling Facility

SIMS Recycling on Newtown Creek

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August 20, 2009, while conducting a routine patrol of Newtown Creek and conducting water quality sampling, Riverkeeper observed shredded glass, plastic, and other debris falling into the creek from a barge located in front of Sims Metal Management in Long Island City. Riverkeeper alerted the New York State DEC and issued a warning letter to Sims pointing out that such discharges are illegal under the federal Clean Water Act. While not a formal “notice of intent to sue” this letter informed Sims that this type of activity is unacceptable and that Riverkeeper will continue to monitor the facility during patrols to ensure that a future barge spillage does not occur. Riverkeeper is awaiting a response from Sims detailing how they will address our concerns.

Sims Metal LIC warning letter
SIMS Exhibit A


Sims contacted Riverkeeper immediately and pledged to make operational changes to ensure that this issue would not be repeated. Riverkeeper has since received photographs from Sims showing new “hopper” style barges that will contain the shredded glass that is being loaded and transported.