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Help us help Newburgh: 3 critical actions to take for clean water


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newburghwhatsinourbloodHelp us help Newburgh.

Riverkeeper is fighting to make sure the toxic PFOS contamination affecting the city’s water supply is cleaned up, the reservoir is protected from future contamination – and that all those exposed to toxic drinking water contamination are provided blood testing as part of a comprehensive medical monitoring program.

While Newburgh’s tap water is running free of PFOS today, much must be done to ensure a safe drinking water supply for the future.

Here’s what you can do:

1. Attend the public meeting October 25 at 7 p.m. at the Armory. The Environmental Protection Agency and the City of Newburgh will host the latest in a series of community meetings on the issue of drinking water contamination. The meeting will take place at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, October 25, at the Newburgh Armory Center 321 William Street. Click here for details.

2. Request blood testing for your and your family. Those who drank the water in Newburgh were exposed to a toxic chemical. Testing blood is an essential step for effective health care. Request blood testing for you and your family by contacting the Department of Health [email protected] or (518) 402-7950. See this news release on initial dates and locations for testing.

3. Tell your neighbors. Make sure friends, neighbors and colleagues who may have been exposed to contaminated drinking water request blood tests and attend the public meeting.
Download, print and post this poster. (Click here for the Spanish version.)

Share the meeting date, time and location, and the blood testing hotline, on social media
Email or call people to make sure they don’t miss these opportunities.

If you want to help Riverkeeper’s outreach efforts in other ways, please e-mail Jen Benson at [email protected].

For more information, visit this page on the Newburgh Drinking Water Crisis.