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Join the Clean Water Baby campaign! Help make clean water a New York State priority


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Introducing the Clean Water Baby. He wants to swim. But we still have a long way to go to clean up the Hudson River. Hear it from the baby and TAKE ACTION for clean water:

We know what it will take to achieve the goal set by the Clean Water Act a generation ago: water clean enough to swim in. For the health of the Hudson River and the rest of New York State, we need investments in clean water infrastructure and law enforcement.

Fortunately, a new movement has taken hold in NYC and the Hudson Valley. Riverkeeper and its community science partners are generating data and helping to drive change. See what we’re doing and how to get involved.

Please add your voice and help build momentum for clean water investment in New York. Send a message to your state representatives asking them to fund wastewater infrastructure and restore staffing at the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
