News > News > Water Quality > Time is Running Out – Stop the Dirty Water Bill!

Time is Running Out – Stop the Dirty Water Bill!

URGENT! With two minutes of your time, you can make the difference.

The Clean Water Act is one of the cornerstones of our nation’s environmental laws, but it’s in danger of being gutted by HR2018, also known as the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act.

This bill would give the individual states, rather than the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA,) the ability to set their own water quality stadards. Without the EPA there to establish a level playing field that protects all Americans from water pollution, states would compete in a race to the bottom, lowering their environmental standards to attract polluting industries. The Clean Water Act is the basis for every battle Riverkeeper fights. Passage of this bill would be a devastating blow to Riverkeeper, because we would lose our ability to force polluters to comply with EPA’s strict standards. The progress we have made in cleaning up the Hudson will be in jeopardy!

HR 2018 is being fast-tracked through the federal House of Representatives. We have received word that this “Dirty Water Bill,” may come up for a vote by the middle of this week, so please contact your congressional representatives today!

What you can do:
Please call your representatives and let them know they should vote NO on this issue!

The message:
HR 2018, the so-called Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act, would strip the EPA of its enforcement and oversight authority. By displacing federal responsibilities onto the states, HR 2018 would gut EPA’s ability to enforce and maintain standards and would undermine our nation’s clean water standards. Please OPPOSE this bill.

Representative Col. Chris Gibson (R, 20th) (Upper Hudson Valley)
Email for Rep. Chris Gibson – Rebecca Shaw: [email protected]
Facebook: Rep Col. Chris Gibson
Twitter: @repchrisgibson

Representative Nan Hayworth (R, 19th) (Westchester county)
Facebook: Rep Nan Hayworth
Twitter: @RepNanHayworth

Representative Michael Grimm (R, 13th)
(Staten Island)
Facebook: Rep Michael Grimm
Twitter: @repmichaelgrimm

Representative Peter T. King (R, 3rd)
(Long Island)
e-mail – [email protected]
Facebook: Rep Pete King
Twitter: @RepPeteKing

Representative Carolyn B. Maloney
(D, 14th) (NYC)
Facebook: Rep Carolyn Maloney
Twitter: @RepMaloney

Representative Paul Tonko (D, 21st) (Albany, Schenectady)
Facebook: Rep Paul Tonko
Twitter: @paultonko

  • Post a message on the Facebook walls of these representatives and send them a direct message from your Twitter account.
  • We must work together to ensure that the EPA maintains control over clean water regulation.

    Thank you for helping to protect clean water!