News > News > Policy > Riverkeeper reacts to the passage of the New York State budget

Riverkeeper reacts to the passage of the New York State budget

ALBANY, N.Y. — New York State leaders passed a budget with a clear focus on protecting clean water and restoring wildlife habitat. The final budget that passed today will continue to make progress through a $500 million Clean Water Infrastructure Act, $300 million Environmental Protection Fund and the approval of a $3 billion environmental bond act ballot initiative set for the November 2022 general election. Riverkeeper Legislative Advocacy Manager Jeremy Cherson responded to the passage of the state budget.

“The new funding — including the $3 billion bond act ballot initiative — approved in this year’s budget will continue to fuel progress towards a healthier Hudson River that teems with life. It will also help shoreline communities become more resilient to the devastating impacts of the climate crisis. We thank New York State’s elected leadership for championing funding for these vital clean water, climate resilience and habitat restoration programs that benefit all New Yorkers.”