Posts Tagged ‘Alex Matthiessen’

Discussion with community leaders about NYC issues

Underreported: Update on the Newtown Creek Oil Spill

Riverkeeper Joins Hudson Valley Task Force

Riverkeeper’s Alex Matthiessen has joined the Land Use, Energy and Environment Task Force, one of six Task Forces which include some of New York’s most creative thinkers and leaders on issues affe… Read More

Nuke plant near NYC likely to survive state ruling

BP Oil Spill Threatens Gulf Coast

Riverkeeper Brings Awareness to Clean Water Issues on Earth Day

Riverkeeper celebrated Earth Day by being involved with major New York awareness events and programs. At the Earth Day New York celebration in Times Square, Riverkeeper President Alex Matthiessen spo… Read More

Riverkeeper Position Re DEC Decision to Exclude NYC and Syracuse Watersheds from Current GEIS Permitting Process

By Alex Matthiessen Riverkeeper views the DEC decision to segregate the permitting process for the NYC and Syracuse Watersheds as a welcome and significant improvement over the status quo. Previously,… Read More

NY toughens rules on gas drilling in watersheds

NY ruling sets back gas drilling in watersheds

Earth Day 2010 New York City