Posts Tagged ‘Atlantic Sturgeon’

Indian Point Impact On Hudson River Sturgeon ‘Adverse’

Feds: Relatively few fish die if NY nukes continue

‘Fishy’ Indian Pt. cable slam

Riverkeeper urges that substance, not promises drive Tappan Zee Bridge project vote

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Tina Posterli, 516-526-9371, [email protected] Calls on county executives to demand financial and mass transit plans, before NYMTC vote Ossining, NY – August 1… Read More

Riverkeeper rips federal Tappan Zee Bridge project study on endangered fish

NOAA: Tappan Zee Bridge construction won’t jeopardize endangered sturgeon

Report Dead Atlantic Sturgeon

The Atlantic sturgeon, the icon of the Hudson River estuary, was recently declared a federal endangered species. Recently, Riverkeeper has received reports from citizen watchdogs after they discovered… Read More

Feds Deny State’s $2B loan request to fund new Tappan Zee Bridge

Riverkeeper to NY State: Fix the flaws in the draft EIS before seeking any new funding Ossining, NY – April 26, 2012 – New York State was turned down for a federal Transportation Infrastructure Fi… Read More

Riverkeeper Says Litigation Over TZ Bridge an Option

For Piermont’s John Lipscomb, the Hudson River is his home and his history